Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

5 Most loved instagram posts 2015

5 most popular instagram posts by @schulmanArt
One of my favorite social media time wasters is instagram. Being a visual person, I love all the eye candy that people post throughout the day. In this post, I share with you my top five loved instagram posts in 2015.

All but one is of my animal art, which shouldn't really surprise me. Do you do instagram?


Crash Course in Marketing Your Creativity (12 best books for entrepreneurs)

12 best books in marketing your creativity for entrepreneurs
Okay, we have reached the last post in the series of books I enjoyed during 2015. Have you added any to your reading wish list? If you run any kind of online business, then these books were awesome. They really appealed to the nerdier left side of my brain. Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this series!

Invisible Selling Machine by Ryan Deiss

“if I had to boil it down to the one thing that...

The Stress of Holiday Reading

Awaken Your Inner Goddess (5 best personal development books)

5 best books on personal self-development
Now I have a little confession... so far I have shared all the books I have read-- with my eyes. But the following 5 books I did not read. I listened to them on audio. In fact, I drove my children absolutely bananas since I decided that they needed to listen to them too as we drove around from place to place. I figured maybe Tony Robbins or Jack Canfield could get my son to do his homework or my...

The Creative Habit (4 best books on powerful habits)

best books on creative habits
This blog post is a continuation of my year of reading. See what inspired me this year and if it inspires you as well! If you are wondering what this has to do with art, then let me share this quote by Twyla Tharp:

“I read for growth, firmly believing that what you are today and what you will be in five years depends on two things: the people you meet and the books you read.” ― Twyla Tharp ...

Declutter Your Life! (5 best books on productivity)

5 best books on productivity and organization | declutter your life
At the end of last year, I made a very firm commitment to read. After passing on a very expensive online course promising to teach "how to maximize your performance," I went on a year long quest to educate myself in similar strategies by reading books in management, personal self-development and marketing. 

miriam schulman shares 5 best books on productivity and organization | declutter your life
Reading in my studio....

Book Review Series

This blog post is actually going to be part of a...

Watercolor Secrets from Around the Globe

watercolor techniques | how to paint in watercolor
This blog post turns the spotlight on some other watercolor artists who will be sharing the stage with me in January for Creative Jumpstart.
watercolor techniques | how to paint in watercolor
Here are the watercolor goodies I will be using!

What is Creative JumpStart?

If you haven't heard about it yet from my other blog posts, Creative JumpStart is an online course featuring 24 artists. I will be joining the fray and sharing fun techniques using...

Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas...

Want to see how to make wrapping paper extra special? If you love getting crafty and like to add handmade touches to your gifts then the guest blog post I did over on Jessica Sporn's blog is for you. 

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Word Ornaments for your Inspiration Tree

holiday ornaments | inspriational word ornaments for hanukkah bush or christmas tree the past few years, my family and I have started a tradition of choosing a word for the year. We begin discussing our words in December, as we proudly turn words over in our minds and share them with each other.


If you are new to this concept, let me explain how this works. Two years ago, I chose the word "harmony." I decided to look for harmony in everything I did. I was not cleaning...

Missing My Family

Guidance For You From The Golden Path

Halloween Oracle ~ Better Late then Never