Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

How to Live YOUR most Creative Life

how to live your most creative life

I found this inspirational video interview with Elizabeth Gilbert. You may know her as the author of Eat Pray Love. She has a new book out called Big Magic which should be required reading for all creatives.

I did enjoy Eat Pray Love but I thought the best part about it was the title. However, with her new book, I would say the weakest part of this book is the title.

The entire book is filled with...

25 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity!

25 ways to jump start your creativity
When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them I'm an artist. When I say that most people imagine that I spend my days painting in the studio but day after day of working on art can leave my creative well dry. 

Being creative isn't always easy...

Being creative isn't always easy. Sometimes, we need a little extra help with igniting the spark. Often, it is ourselves that get in the way of...

Using Watercolor in your Mixed Media Art

download the art supply list for a mixed media and watercolor peacock on

Have you been itching to incorporate lovely transparent watercolor layers into your mixed media paintings? This blog post shares some watercolor goodies for the mixed media artist.

Watercolor Marker Joy

Now, when I posted a pic of these watercdolor markers on facebook and instagram everyone went nuts. I got TONS of questions about it begging me to create a video or teach a class with them.



Another free postcard for you...

I was truly overwhelmed by your enthusiastic response to my last postcard giveaway...

So, in the spirit of the holidays and giving, I am planning to do another one.

But this time...

There is a catch.

You see, I want to give these postcards to you only if you actually open my emails! (Yes, with the magic of computers, I can tell who opens my newsletters and who doesn't)

So here is what I am going to do.


Collective Creativity

collective creativity for the sunflower painting title on
People tend to think of creativity as a mysterious solo act, when in reality the best ideas are usually the result of a dialog. Name any famous artist, man or woman, throughout history and you will discover that each surrounded themselves with other artist friends. Georgia O'Keeffe had the tumultuous and stimulating relationship with George Stieglitz. Frida Kahlo married the notorious Diego Rivera...

The Very Real Struggle of College

Sights of the Southwest Lenormand

Who wants real mail? (free sunflower postcard prints)

free sunflower postcards
I've been working really hard in my studio creating a new collection of original art and many people (like you) have been asking me when is it going to be listed online for sale. Well, to simplify my life I have decided that I will only list new art for sale once per month.

Sunflower Postcards

In the meanwhile, I wanted to do something for you. You see, I ordered a whole stack of postcards with one...

Wrapping Art with Gratitude

how to pack art
Have you ever wondered what happens to the art after I sell it online? Today I wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at how I handle each artwork so that it arrives at your doorstep in beautiful condition.

Wrapped with Gratitude

Between Veteran's Day until Christmas my studio begins to resemble the gift wrapping department of Macy's. I love packaging each of my artworks for you and it is one...

Tis the season to remember
Although I am Jewish, I absolutely adore creating holiday ornaments. I think this harks back to when I was a girl scout living in the suburbs of Atlanta. Each year, I looked forward to stringing popcorn and cranberries as well creating these little works of art to decorate the tree.


Memorial Ornaments 

One tradition that I have discovered is creating memorial ornaments. These ornaments usually have...

Learn Tarot 101 Class