Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

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Secrets to a longer life

bathroom decorating ideas |

Fountain of Youth:

Once I read that the oldest woman in the world.. she was 116 when I read this.. she would be 117 now if she is still alive. Eats bacon and takes a bath every morning. I eat bacon a lot.. not everyday mind you.. but it was the bath part that really got my attention.

She also credited lots of sleep and her family claims it was her loving and generous spirit that granted her a long...

Goodbye My Boy....

Story Quilts @thebrucemuseum

african american story quilts @thebrucemusem by
You see that "painting"? Well, it's not a painting. It's a quilt by Dawn Williams Boyd titled "La Croix De Guerre" picturing the Harlem Hellfighters who fought along the French in World War I. The artist carefully chose assorted fabrics with different gray values to look like a painting. The quilt even includes an antique US Army pin and real buttons to embellish it by hand

Oscar Boycott

This was...

What's new with Color Trends (2016)

2016 color trends | color of the year | pantone |
It should come as no surprise to you that I absolutely love studying color trends. There are whole industries devoted to studying color trends because it helps retailers and manufacturers choose colors for their product lines that will most likely be successful for consumers.

Instead of gazing into a crystal ball and simply trying to predict what will be popular, these industry experts study what...

Every Mistake is an Opportunity

Guest blog post by artist Carolyn Dube

Thank you Miriam for the invite to share with your readers what I learned about making mistakes..and I've made a lot of them!

When I started creating, I had a harsh and critical voice in my head.  A nuclear powered inner critic who made it so difficult to enjoy making art. That voice kept the fun and play out of my day. That was then. Now, I've learned ways to...

Dark Fairytale? More Like Dark Fairy Tales...

Deck Reviews Coming Soon

NAME CHANGE ~ Everything Else Is The Same!

Best place to meet at the Metropolitan Museum of Art @metmuseum

It is with a little trepidation that I share one of my favorite tricks for avoiding crowds at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Because if everyone finds out, well then, maybe it might get a little more crowded. But after struggling to find pictures and descriptions online to show you this favorite meeting spot, I quickly learned why this entrance has remained one of the best kept New York art...

Flesh Food and Fundraising

will cotton and Alyssa Monks headline drawing fundraiser at teh New York Art Academy
At the last moment, I was invited to a charity party at the New York Academy of Art. It was described to me by my good friend Marnie as "an expensive drawing class but lots of nude models and taught by the famous artist Will Cotton at the New York Academy of Art as a fundraiser."

Wanting very much to invest some of my earnings from the launch of my last online class ( Painting with Words) I was...