Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

How to hang art (correctly)

how to hang and display art

Whether you’ve been an art-lover all of your life or just recently fell in love, the step from the gallery to properly displaying a newly acquired piece in your home usually feels gargantuan and is filled with lots of questions.

How high should I hang it? 

Should it stand alone or be grouped with other artwork? 

Where should it be displayed? 

What do I use to hang it? 

How can I protect it?

Don’t fret....

The Changed Political Landscape...

My 5 Favorite Podcasts

5 favorite podcasts

One of the biggest challenges I see with artists, myself included, is quieting the monkey mind and the inner critic in my head. So in order to not listen to those demonic voices, I like to listen to podcasts while I create. While my conscious mind listens to the entertaining podcasts, my subconscious mind is set free to create without the pesky inner critic constantly evaluating my process.


Less than 60 Days to the Holidays. . . Are you Ready?

how to get organized for the holidays
Can you believe it's already November? What happened? Seems like yesterday I was playing tennis outside (that's because it WAS yesterday) With the unseasonable warm weather, sometimes it is easy to forget that the holidays are just around the corner. If you haven't thought about it until now, it isn't too late to get organized and make holiday gifts before time gets away from you.

Read on for a...

Happy Halloween

Additions to the site...

Creativity doesn't care about results

Elizabeth Gilbert BigMagic book tour

“Creativity is a crushing chore and a glorious mystery. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

It’s been just over a year since I first read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic: Creative Living without Fear, a delightful exploration about how each one of us can awaken and nurture our creativity. This should be required reading for every creative. It...

Princesses, Piñatas and Printables [artist chat with Danita]

During our "Artist Chat", Danita Salcido shared her passion for Grimm’s Fairy Tales and you're going to love learning about the inspiration behind this art collection. Danita is a passionate artist whose art I've admired for a long time and I'm thrilled to have her as part of the Handcrafted Holidays team.

Cinderella and Sleeping Beauties

Although many of us are familiar with the Walt Disney...

Spiritual Autumnal Art Themes

Nature’s cycles often mirror our own lives. As an artist, I love what fall teaches us about releasing what weighs us down.

Promises of new beginnings and fresh starts

I like to think of falling leaves as a time to let go of part hurts, shed our old selves, and prepare for rebirth in the springtime. Just as trees release leaves to prepare for rebirth in the spring, fall is a time to let go of past...

For the Love of Books [Artist Chat with Joanne Sharpe]

When mixed media “whimsical art maker” Joanne Sharpe agreed to join the Handcrafted Holidays team of teachers, I couldn’t wait to get a chance to sit down and talk with her for our “artist chat.”

After learning about Joanne’s story, our talk turned to our mutual adoration of books. Of course, since she is best known for her lettering, I shouldn’t have been surprised that she loves words, books...

Music Muse: Mystele Kirkeeng Artist Chat

artist interview with Mystele Kirkeeng Mystele paint
Mystele Kirkeeng, a Handcrafted Holidays’ teacher, had an “a-ha” moment during our “Artist Chat.” 

She realized that music plays an instrumental—and intriguing— role in her art process.

Although a full-time artist today, Mystele studied music since childhood and realized during our chat just how much music influences her art and teaching style today.

Asserting your voice in music and art makes it...

5 nyc art shows not to miss this fall [2016]

nyc art shows fall 2016
Challenging racism, sexism and class, this selection of five exhibitions will give you diverse perspectives into art history which is just the way I like it. Whenever my creative well runs dry, a trip to New York City will fill my inspiration bank with more ideas than I could ever do in a lifetime. For each show, I am already fantasizing about who I most want to drag with me to share in the...