Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

What the heck is Periscope? [Andrea Gomoll Artist Chat]

artist interview with Andrea Gomoll of @cre8tivecre8tions
Don’t you just love the power of technology?

That’s exactly how I felt when I finished my Skype call with Andrea Gomoll although nearly 4,000 miles separates the comfort of my studio from hers just outside of Berlin, Germany.

Andrea discovered that she can use social media in the same way to connect with her fans in North America.

Discover how to harness the power of Periscope, YouTube and Instagram...

10 smartest reasons to choose art

on my blog last week, I asked you what you would do if you won the stencil or stamp. Your stories were so interesting I just had to share a few here! Your answers shined a spotlight on why art is important and matters.. Thank YOU for inspiring me!

1. Art adds to memories...

"I was looking through my boxes of old stuff...boxes we have lugged for decades... and discovered a moving announcement I made...

Taking Flight

jane lafazio interview about painting, quilting and art
How do you define an artist?

Someone who shows up to create art is an artist.

I’ve always believed in this very simple definition.
If you write poetry, then you’re a poet.
If you sing songs, then you’re a singer.

If you love to create art—then I encourage you to see yourself as an artist, too.

Just ask Jane LaFazio, one of the co-teachers in my Handcrafted Holidays class, how it feels to take the big...

Advent Calendars: Not Just for the Holidays

carolyn dube of a colorful journey

My dear friend Carolyn Dube, a self-taught art adventurer and mixed media artist, is on a journey filled with fun! She is one of the teachers in the Handcrafted Holidays class and has finally reigned in the critical voice that squelched her joy and held her art back for many years. Today, she avoids rules whenever possible and lets the little kid inside her free to create art without judgment. She...

Handcrafted not Homemade

holiday craft ideas | holiday gift ideas |
Do you wait too long each year to start creating handcrafted gifts and then run out of time and lose the joy of it?

Well if you would rather give handmade but never seem to get organized than you are not alone...

and it is not your fault.

You just haven't had a fun community to hold you accountable plus a plethora of projects to keep you inspired with gift ideas that will make the receiver say...

Artist Chats: The Power of Yes

artist interview with Jessica Sporn
art by Jessica Sporn

Jessica Sporn, the namesake behind Jessica Sporn Designs and part of the teacher team for the Handcrafted Holidays class, lives the life of her dreams as a professional, self-taught mixed media artist, because she learned the power of “yes.” When we spoke in preparation for the Handcrafted Holidaysclass, we discussed how her approach to art has roots in her theater background....

Artist Chats: Pinterest Tips for Painters

pinterest tips | how to use pinterest | pinterest for business
Pinterest, “the visual bookmarking tool,” was made for artists! Creatives are flocking to this social media channel not only to collaborate and get inspired, but also to drive visitors to our websites and engage with fans of our art.

To help you get more exposure to your artwork and achieve amazing things with Pinterest, I asked Marjie Kemper, a New York mixed media artist who has 17K+ Pinterest...

20 Tips to Sell more art on Etsy

sell more art on etsy
Full-time artist, Blenda Tyvoll, has sold more than 3,000 pieces of art on Etsy and is also one of the featured artists in my upcoming course Handcrafted Holidays. Blenda and I have known each other since 2006, when we were both selling on eBay. She started to dabble with selling on Etsy first, and when I saw the success she was having selling her artwork, I soon followed and now have more than...

Artist Chats

handcrafted holidays 2016 teaching team
What started out many months ago as just a daydream about how to create a Handcrafted Holidays group class that would be different than any other art class I’ve seen online, is now about to become a reality. Let me tell you why I decided to put together this class.

Happy Creative Memories

Although I am Jewish and don’t have a Christmas tree in my own home, I have many happy memories creating holiday...

The Talent Myth: Why perseverance and passion trump talent

talent myth
As an artist and an art instructor, do you know what I hear over and over again?

“I wish I had your talent!”

Although I’m so grateful to hear that compliment, I truly believe anybody can be an artist. However, you need to develop the right mindset and learn the skills and techniques to get the results you want.

Artist Miriam Schulman painting watercolor in her home studio
Artist Miriam Schulman painting watercolor in her home studio.

Everyone was born with...

why handcrafted still matters

handcrafted handmade holidays gifts
This summer, I stayed with family in Portland, Oregon. My cousin showed me a grand ole time while I tried to not make more work for his wife who was already quite busy with three young children. Over dinner, she asked me about the kind of art I create. I encouraged her to open the hostess gift since my “art was inside.”

handcrafted handmade holidays gifts
Earlier she had tossed it aside while she made my bed. My heart sank as it...