Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Self care And Healing

When the world becomes too much

5 life lessons from animals (art & poetry)

animal art
The reason I became an artist was that I am most comfortable communicating my thoughts and feelings visually. However, since I am often asked to explain my art through the written and spoken word, I am sometimes at a loss for how to translate them into something equally meaningful.

    We can learn a lot from art

    When preparing for my last solo art show, I stumbled across the following poem, “Straight...

    It's been a while....

    Art is your Legacy (5 benefits of collecting art)

    5 benefits of collecting art
    Have you ever gotten a message from beyond the grave?

    Shortly after Mother’s Day, I got a phone call from a stranger. 

    He had received one of the postcards I had sent out to art collectors to celebrate spring had arrived at his home. I addressed the postcard to his wife who had purchased some of my original artwork.

    My heart sank when he told me she had passed away.

    “I’m so sorry. I will take her name...

    5 Surprising Tricks for Inspirational Breakthroughs (based on science)

    watercolor | animal art | pig art | farm animals | farm | watercolor class | online class | free watercolor class | free art class | online training | read more →

    I know what it’s like to be starved creatively. Although art is now integrated into every aspect of my life, it hasn’t been that long since my life looked very different. In 2000, I worked at a high-powered hedge fund job that required long hours, and with a toddler at home and one on the way I barely had time to take a shower, much less any time to devote to art.

    Missing my creative side

    No doubt I...

    The Makeover Continues

    Reflection - Where I Could Have Been

    the magic of getting started

    What do you think is the hardest part of the creative process? Getting started or to keep going? Although both are hard, I argue getting started is always the hardest and there is a magic in just starting.

    Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it~ Goethe (tweet this)

    One of the reasons I am in love with collage is because I know I can always just start collaging - gluing down my inspirational...

    The Feng Shui of Elephant painting

    feng shui elephant symbolism
    Lately, I've been listening to podcasts as well as reading a lot about Feng Shui and I've been thinking about how that relates to my art.

    What is Feng Shui?

    Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of aligning your stuff with its most positive energetic forces. The basic concept is that everything has energy. There are some things that will always give off "bad" energy...these are things like...

    Be A Good Tarot Client